Location: Ashworth Laboratories
Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrea_Pozzi7
Email: apozzi@ed.ac.uk
Twitter: @AndreaPozzi91
09/2020-Present Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Infection and Immunology Research, The University of Edinburgh
2017-2020 PhD Student – Dowling Lab, Monash University
I am interested in genomic conflicts, genomes co-evolution, and RNA biology. This led me to study the conflicts and co-evolution of the mitochondrial genome with the nuclear genome through small RNAs. I started investigating small RNAs in this context due to the large amount of untapped data available for this type of study, but I am not expanding my expertise to work on other type of RNAs. Furthermore, I am learning more on genomic conflicts and RNA biology in the Buck Lab, where I am involved in the study of cross-species communication in the context of host-parasite interactions.
SmithRNAs: could mitochondria “bend” nuclear regulation? A Pozzi, F Plazzi, L Milani, F Ghiselli, M Passamonti. Molecular biology and evolution 34 (8), 1960-1973
The genomic origins of small mitochondrial RNAs: are they transcribed by the mitochondrial DNA or by mitochondrial pseudogenes within the nucleus (NUMTs)? A Pozzi, DK Dowling Genome biology and evolution 11 (7), 1883-1896