Ashworth Laboratories 2,
Room: 1.08
Telephone: 0131 650 8622
Email: anna.hoy@ed.ac.uk
Twitter: @Hoy_am
Buck Lab, Institute of Infection and Immunology Research, The University of Edinburgh
*December 2018- current: UoE, Elanco collaboration: Small RNA biomarkers of D.immitis infection.
Fallowfield Lab, MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, The University of Edinburgh
* February 2016- March 2018 UoE, Intercept Pharmaceuticals collaboration: Characterizing the immunomodulatory and anti-fibrotic effects of INT-767 in murine models of chronic liver disease.
* March 2015 – January 2016: UoE, GlaxoSmithKline, Perspectum Diagnostics collaboration: The Role of LiverMultiscan in Rodent Models of Liver Disease.
* September 2014- July 2015: GlaxoSmithKline DPAc (Discovery Partnerships with Academia) to discover and develop an anti-fibrotic medicine for liver fibrosis
PhD: Buck lab, Institute of Infection and Immunology Research, The University of Edinburgh
*Aug 2010 – Sep 2014: The functional and diagnostic role of small RNAs in the progression and resolution of liver fibrosis
Buck lab, Institute of Infection and Immunology Research, The University of Edinburgh
*Jan 2010 – Aug 2010: Development of a microRNA platform for non-invasive diagnosis of infectious and inflammatory diseases
The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
The Development and Evaluation of a Real Time RT-PCR Assay for the Detection of Two Respiratory Viruses; Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV)
Hoy A.M., McDonald N, Lennen R.J, Milanesi M, Herlihy A.H, Kendall T.J, Mungall W, Gyngell M., Banerjee R, Janiczek R.L, Murphy P.S, Jansen M.A, Fallowfield J.A. (2018) Non-invasive Assessment of Liver Disease in Rats Using Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Feasibility Study, Biology Open : bio.033910 doi: 10.1242/bio.033910
McBride A*., Hoy A.M*, Bamford M., Mossakowska D., Ruediger M., Griggs J., Desai S., Simpson K., Caballero-Hernandes I., Iredale J.P., Aucott R.,Holmes D., Webster S., Fallowfield J.A. (2017) In search of a small molecule agonist of the relaxin receptor RXFP1 for the treatment of liver fibrosis. Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 10806
Snowdon V.K*, Lachlan N.J*, Hoy A.M, Hadoke P.W.F, Semple S.I, Patel D, et al. (2017) Serelaxin as a potential treatment for renal dysfunction in cirrhosis: Preclinical evaluation and results of a randomized phase 2 trial. PLoS Med 14(2): e1002248
Hoy A. M. and Fallowfield J. A. (2016), Editorial: non-invasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency using magnetic resonance elastography. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 44: 644-645. doi:10.1111/apt.13729
Hoy A.M., Lundie R, Ivens A, Quintana JF, Nausch N, Forster T, Jones F, Mutapi F, MacDonald AS, Buck AH (2014). Parasite-derived microRNAs in host serum as novel biomarkers of helminth infection. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 8(8(2): e2701
Hoy,A.M. & Buck. A.H. (2012). Extracellular small RNAs: what, where, why? Biochem Soc Trans. 40(4); 886-90